This is a letter available monthly to Poetry of Nature subscribers.
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"Being in nature is not only inspiring, it also has medical and psychotherapeutic potential. By experiencing nature, we place our body in the original functional circle made of humans and the environment from which we emerged. We put two matching puzzle pieces together – us and nature into one whole.”
~ Clemens G. Arvay
Dear Poetry of Nature Friends,
Welcome! Welcome to Poetry of Nature, PON as we fondly refer to it. We’re excited and happy you’ve chosen to spend your year with us! PON is a yearlong journey that resonates with many who seek to connect with the natural world for healing and poetic expression. It's a journey for those who seek to match the puzzle pieces and manifest wholeness. This is the fifth year Geoff and I have offered PON, and year seven of IPM’s “Year of Poetic Medicine” series.
Throughout our year together, I will offer plenty of Nature poems and poem making prompts. I'll share inspirational quotes, photos of the natural world, and my unique Nature experiences and reflections. I'll invite you to get to know your "neck of the woods". We'll connect our inner and outer landscapes through natural rhythms like the dance of seasons; dawn and dusk; ebb and flow. We’ll discover and deepen our connections with the birds, animals, plants, trees, and other Beings that inhabit our neck of the woods. Through poetry reading, writing, sharing and reflection I will invite you to dive deeply into Nature and what it means to you.
Perhaps like us, you yearn for clarity and inner and outer stillness. You feel ready to lead a more spacious, mindful and meaningful life. Your body is begging to be listened to. You are being called to live by heart and mind, body and soul. Poetry-writing and sensitivity to the natural world are open portals to this more soulful aliveness.
We welcome and invite your shared Nature experiences. These connections guide us to our feelings, our wildness. This is the most important time in our existence to be doing this healing work.