John Joseph Bowman
What Poetry Brings Us When Facing Aging and Death
John is a former newspaper editor, is semi-retired and enjoys working as a freelance editor and writer. He lives with his wife, Valerie, in Auburn, California, where they started a poetry circle at their Unitarian Universalist church. He is the author of the poetry chapbook This Could Be the House I Die In published by Finishing Line Press.
John writes:
"Now, at age 77, I am semi-retired, and enjoying working as freelance editor and writer. For a while, I denied I had any concerns about growing older. But then I noticed that the poetry I was writing exposed what I was really feeling. Much of my work today—I write two or three poems a week—has to do with aging or dying. I expect to live quite a bit longer, and I am in good health, but I no longer pretend that these issues are not up for me.
Valerie and I have started the Outta the Blue Poetry Series at Roseville Arts in Roseville, CA. We also started a poetry circle at our church and we attend poetry readings regularly. Poetry is like my fourth meal of the day. I need it and enjoy the taste of it."
For more information about John Bowman's writing and editing services, please contact him at, friend him on Facebook or call 916-751-9189.