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PTW - Poetry as a Tool for Wellness

Private·35 members


This is a group for the participants in the Poetry as a Tool for Wellness facilitator training series, allowing easy access to tips and best practices for outreach, facilitation, adapting to virtual sessions, etc.

As a participant in one of the many Poetry as a Tool for Wellness programs offered through The Institute for Poetic Medicine we invite you to participate in this virtual community as a resource for facilitator support. If you would like to join a poetry circle in which people will be sharing poetry and responding to each other's writings, we ask that you please join the group A Poetry Commons . The focus of this group is facilitator support. We thank you for understanding the request for this focus of intent and separation of content.

Notes for our Group: There are two important guidelines for this group that we ask you adhere to:

The first is confidentiality. It is important to create a safe space where we don't have to worry about our words or writing being shared outside of the circle without our permission. If you are excited to share a facilitation idea or experience with a wider audience, please say so, but please do not share the experience or suggestions of others without their permission.

The second guideline is respect. We come from many different perspectives, and even if you disagree, it is important to honor and show respect for one another's experience.

Poetic Medicine is about allowing each person in the circle to be themselves and to listen to themselves more deeply. Facilitating these circles can bring up questions and we request that you come from a place of respect when bringing your questions and responses to this group.

If you see a post that does not align with these agreements please contact us - our admin team will respond appropriately if any of these guidelines are not being honored.

We are building community and that takes time, compassion, patience and a willingness to work together.


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • September 7, 2022


  • Mary  Price

    Created by

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